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Current Obstetrics and Gynecology Reports OnlineFirst articles

23.05.2024 | REVIEW

Conservative Management of Placenta Accreta Spectrum: A Modern Treatment Alternative to Cesarean-Hysterectomy

Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders occur in 1 of 272 deliveries and are a significant cause of maternal morbidity [ 1 ]. PAS is defined as pathological adherence of the placenta to the myometrium. PAS results from disruption of the …

verfasst von:
Gabriel A. Arenas, Jacqueline J. Thompson, Beth L. Pineles

Open Access 22.05.2024 | REVIEW

Telemedicine and Digital Health Solutions in Intrapartum and Postpartum Care

Once novel technologies in the care delivery space, telemedicine and digital health platforms are now integral to the way patients and clinicians interact with the health system. The COVID-19 pandemic spawned—out of necessity—a rapid and …

verfasst von:
Jordan S. Stone, Adi Hirshberg

08.04.2022 | Uterine Fibroids and Endometrial Lesions (T. Tulandi, Section Editor)

Adenomyosis and Obstetrical Outcome: a Narrative Mini-Review of the Latest Evidence

In the last decade, several studies have evaluated the potential role of endometriosis in determining an adverse obstetric outcome. However, previous studies evaluating obstetric outcome in women with adenomyosis have reported conflicting results.

verfasst von:
Nicola Berlanda, Agnese Donati, Francesco Fedele, Massimo Lepri, Paolo Vercellini